Lumbar hemangioma: What are the indications?

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A lumbar hemangioma is described as a harmless blood vessel tumor which develops throughout a single or several vertebrae of the lower region of the back. This form of tumor is usually diagnosed among individuals between the ages of 30-50 and might not trigger any evident symptoms.

Individuals who have symptoms must consult a doctor to ensure that a proper diagnosis is given and proper treatment can be started.

Close look on the indications of lumbar hemangioma

Lower back pain

The characteristic indication linked with the hemangioma is low back pain.

The characteristic indication linked with the hemangioma is low back pain. The seriousness of the pain is based on the size of the non-cancerous tumor.

A large-sized tumor can disrupt the alignment of the vertebrae, resulting to the compression of the spinal cord and intense pain. Individuals who suffer from intense or persistent lower back pain should see a doctor.

Diminished sensation or paralysis

If the hemangioma grows along the lower spine, it can damage or irritate the nerves in the spinal column. Irritation of the nerve can disrupt with the transmission of the nerve signals all over the body.

Once this occurs, an individual with lumbar hemangioma might experience sensations of numbness or tingling in the feet or legs. Significant nerve damage from the lumbar hemangioma can result to paralysis of the leg where there is incapability to freely regulate leg movements. In such cases, these symptoms require removal by the doctor.

Fecal or urinary incontinence

The nerves within the spinal column are in charge for regulating the ability to voluntarily defecate or urinate. If the lumbar hemangioma damages these nerves, it leads to the symptoms of urinary or fecal incontinence.

Fecal or urinary incontinence is the inability to voluntarily control the elimination of urine or stool.

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