Indications of wheat allergy in infants

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It is important to note that wheat and other common allergy-causing foods among children are included in the 8 main allergens. The common allergens include peanuts, milk, wheat, soy, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts and fish. In most cases, children are able to outgrow allergies to wheat but it is still vital to avoid the potential allergen in order to prevent the manifestation of the symptoms. The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis for wheat allergy among infants since some symptoms such as stomach upset are strikingly similar with other conditions.


Eczema is described as rashes that are linked with allergies among infants. If an infant has wheat allergy, it can trigger or aggravate eczema that manifest right after the child was given food or formula that contains wheat. The symptoms of eczema include patches of reddish, dry, itchy skin that can become swollen and ooze fluid due to constant scratching or when infection develops. This skin condition typically occurs on the face, cheeks, around the mouth, legs, arm, behind the ears and on the neck.

A child with wheat allergy can also suffer from breathing issues such as nasal congestion, wheezing, noisy breathing, runny nose or breathing difficulty.


Hives is a common indication of wheat allergy among infants. This skin issue develops as reddish, elevated, itchy spots on the skin that vanish within a few hours. They can appear on the chest, face, stomach, hands and arms shortly after the infant consumes foods that contain wheat.

In severe cases, an infant who was exposed to wheat products can instigate symptoms such as hives and contact dermatitis.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

The symptoms of an actual or true wheat allergy usually involve the intestines and starts within two hours after ingestion of foods that contain wheat. The symptoms include colic as well as digestive issues such as indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, gas and bloating in the stomach area.

In some circumstances, the feet of the infant can feel cold. The baby can express stomach pain by prolonged and uncontrollable crying, extending and flexing the legs as well as clenching the hands.

Breathing symptoms

A child with wheat allergy can also suffer from breathing issues such as nasal congestion, wheezing, noisy breathing, runny nose or breathing difficulty. It is important to note that the wheat allergens can irritate the immune system of the infant, thus resulting to the inflammation in the throat, nose and lungs.

Some infants and children can also develop allergy-related asthma. Rarely, severe cases resulting to an anaphylactic shock can lead to breathing symptoms that entail immediate emergency assistance. These severe symptoms include difficulty swallowing, swelling of the throat as well as breathing difficulty.

If a child is suspected with sensitivity to wheat, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor. In doing so, the doctor can properly assess the child as well as perform allergy testing to determine the potential trigger for the symptoms.

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