Indications of nut allergy

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When an individual has nut allergy, the body perceives nuts as a threat to the body. This triggers an immune reaction to eliminate the allergen from the body. Nut allergy is considered one of the common types of food allergies and can be caused by ingestion of any type of nut including walnuts, almonds and cashews. The symptoms of this allergy usually manifest within several minutes after consuming any food that contains nuts. Depending on the severity of the nut allergy, the symptoms might require emergency care.


If an individual is allergic to nuts, he/she can end up with a skin reaction right after consuming or handling any food that contains nuts. In most cases, a reaction causes the development of inflamed, red-colored welts on the skin in the hands or all over the body. The skin lesions can become itchy or swollen and can appear flaky or dry.

After eating any food that contains nuts, some individual also develop an itchy sensation in the area around or in the mouth.

Stomach upset

The common symptom linked with nut allergy is stomach upset. If an individual has this type of allergy, he/she can suffer from stomach pain, vomiting or nausea after eating nuts or food that contains nuts. Diarrhea can also develop which causes frequent elimination of loose or watery stools.

Runny nose

Nut allergy
The common symptom linked with nut allergy is stomach upset.

An allergic reaction to nuts can trigger some individuals to end up with nasal congestion after consumption of nuts. The nose can become irritated or runny due to the allergy. In most cases, the individual will experience sneezing episodes or has the urge to frequently blow the nose.


Breathing difficulty can also occur if an individual has nut allergy. The symptoms include wheezing or shortness of breath. If the individual has asthma aside from the allergy, consuming nuts can trigger an asthma attack.

Rapid heartbeat

After consuming any food that contains nuts, the individual might end up with an increased heartbeat if he/she has nut allergy. In most cases, there is a feeling as if the heart is racing which can lead to dizziness or lightheadedness.


During a severe reaction to nuts, there is a possibility for a life-threatening reaction or anaphylaxis to develop. The indications of an anaphylactic reaction include the following:

  • Drop in the blood pressure
  • Swelling of the tongue or throat
  • Severe breathing difficulty
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Loss of consciousness

Once any of these symptoms manifest after the individual consumed any food that contains nuts, it is important to seek immediate emergency care. Remember that anaphylaxis can be deadly if not promptly treated.

A doctor should be consulted if any of these symptoms manifest since this indicates that the individual has nut allergy.


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