Folliculitis decalvans

Ideal treatment options for migraines

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Migraines affect millions of individuals all over the world and have resulted to disrupted productivity levels in the workplace. Effective treatment options for migraines usually depend on a comprehensive strategy including the use of over-the-counter medications and prescription medications to manage the symptoms.

Non-prescription medications

The over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen are effective as long as they are taken early in the course of the headache and at the proper therapeutic dosage.

The treatment often requires the maximum recommended dosage listed on the labeling. It is important to note that Excedrin is a combination of aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine that is effective in some individuals. Always bear in mind that caffeine can also trigger headaches in some individuals while at the same time prevents or improves the treatment of migraines in some individuals.


Triptans is a type of new medication used for managing migraines. This drug works by acting directly on the blood vessels in the brain which makes it highly effective. Most of the triptans are available in capsule or tablet form but there are nasal sprays and injectable forms. An individual is encouraged to use one triptan for 2 or 3 separate headaches before starting another one.

Even though some migraines react to low doses of caffeine, substantial use of caffeine generally aggravates migraines.

Other treatment options for migraines

Even though some migraines react to low doses of caffeine, substantial use of caffeine generally aggravates migraines. It is important to note that sleep can also relieve or improve migraines and most doctors make the most out of the sedative properties of medications such as diphenhydramine or anti-nausea medications.

Stronger medications such as narcotics are often given for severe cases that do not respond to other medications. These medications are administered intravenously in the emergency room. Just remember that the chronic use of narcotic medications can result to the formation of chronic headaches and must be avoided.

Additionally, steroid therapy, acupuncture, intra-nasal lidocaine, scalp botulinum injections and cervical manipulation are also used as a form of treatment in some cases.

Depending on the exact cause , it is recommended to set an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out. This will ensure that the right treatment can be started to properly manage the symptoms.

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