How to be prepared during emergencies

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Being prepared during emergencies and disasters can greatly help. It is important to note that these scenarios can occur without warning, thus being prepared is vital to keep everyone safe. Taking time to ensure that you are ready can be a life-saving move. By enrolling in a first aid class, you are prepared to provide care in case of injuries during any of these calamities.


Many individuals are injured with burns or even die every year from fires. You have to take into consideration these precautions.

  • Always check possible escape routes and try to practice escaping from each room.
  • Install smoke alarms and always check the batteries regularly.
  • Make sure that all windows can be easily opened. Do not use complex lock systems that might be difficult for children to use.
  • Consider using escape ladders especially if the house has several levels and the bedrooms are not on the ground level.


Do not forget to include a first aid kit since you never know when injuries occur during any of these emergencies.

Floods are known to occur at any area and do not be a victim of the “it will never happen to me” mentality. Take into consideration the following so that you will be prepared for this calamity.

  • Create a portable supply kit for your vehicle. It is best to include clothing, sleeping bags, medical supplies, prescription medications, non-perishable food, bottled water, flashlight and extra batteries.
  • Always listen for the latest news in the TV or radio.
  • Obtain a flood insurance policy especially for those who reside in flood-risk areas.


For those who reside in communities prone to hurricanes, there are measures that can help protect your family.

  • Create a handy kit that includes battery-powered radio, bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights and extra batteries.
  • Plan out an evacuation route which includes the area the family will gather as well as the alternate transportation routes out of the area and how to leave if an access to a vehicle is not possible.
  • You can install hurricane shutters to protect the windows from the strong wind as well as reducing the risk for serious damage on your property.


It is important to note that tornadoes can occur abruptly. A vital point in preparation is to determine how and where to take shelter.

  • Underground shelters such as cellars and basements provide the best protection.
  • Small interior hallways or rooms are the second-best options especially on the lower floors.
  • Do not stay in vehicles since they do not provide adequate protection.
  • Always keep an emergency kit in the shelter which includes bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights and batteries.


When preparing for an earthquake, there are several steps to take into consideration to minimize the risk for injury.

  • You have to prepare your house by fastening shelves securely on the walls as well as placing heavy objects on the lower shelves.
  • Set a meeting place for the family. You can select locations within and outside the neighborhood in case the calamity strikes when others are not around.
  • Create an emergency supply kit that contains bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights, battery-powered radio and extra batteries.

Do not forget to include a first aid kit since you never know when injuries occur during any of these emergencies and calamities.

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