Gout: What are the commonly used over-the-counter medications?

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Gout is a painful variety of arthritis linked with the diet and eating habits. Oftentimes, the initial indication of gout involves the joint of the big toe and manifests as burning, excruciating, tearing pain with pronounced swelling and inflammation that can be debilitating.

Various self-care measures for gout range from conventional pain medications to alternative remedies and modifications with the foods eaten.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

The initial indication of gout involves the joint of the big toe and manifests as burning, excruciating, tearing pain with pronounced swelling and inflammation that can be debilitating.

These drugs are available over-the-counter that are mainly used to relieve the pain caused by gout. If NSAIDs are used, proper caution must be observed due to its side effects such as ulcer, heartburn and bleeding. The proper dosage should be followed to lower the risk for these side effects. The medications work by reducing the swelling and pain in lower dosages.

Topical analgesics

Capsaicin cream which is made using an active ingredient in chili peppers has been used topically to lessen the symptoms of gout. It works by binding to the pain receptors in the joint to reduce sensitivity to stimuli.

Food remedies

It is important to note that black bean broth is packed with anthocyanins which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent present in black beans and tart cherries. This is a common pain remedy for gout that has been proven effective.

Even tart cherry juice is also effective as an over-the-counter treatment for gout. It is important to note that cherries are an anti-inflammatory that is rich in antioxidants. This can be consumed as cherry juice but also in raw or canned form to lessen the painful symptoms of gout.

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