Get To Know More About First Aid

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People can meet freak accidents in the most unexpected place and time. During these situations, you should know how to administer first aid. Knowledge of first aid increases the chances of saving the life of the victim. There are different first aid techniques that you can learn and apply while waiting for the emergency medical team to arrive.

Get to know CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR is a combination of lifesaving actions and techniques that are geared towards ensuring proper function of the vital organs. This first aid technique is used when the person suddenly stops breathing or the heart stops beating. The proper use of CPR can make the heart re-start beating and the breathing pattern resume again.

Get To Know More About CPR
Get To Know More About CPR

It is recommended that everyone knows CPR. You can take first aid training courses offered by the workplace approved, its training partners or community health centers. CPR is usually part of the basic first aid training course.

CPR: What comprises it

As mentioned above, CPR is a combination of life-saving techniques and follows a set of procedures. It is comprised of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compression that is done in sequence. The basic principle is that the rescuer provides artificial respiration and manually pumps the heart to push blood through the system, with the main goal of causing spontaneous heart beat and breathing. Apart from these basic procedures, the rescuer likewise activates emergency medical services.

First aid training is mandatory

First aid skills are essential especially for those whose jobs entail the life of people. Those who work in nursing homes, schools, wellness facilities or gyms, offices, and others who work in heavy duty occupations are obligated to learn first aid. Likewise, individuals whose work involves contact with children are also mandated to learn first aid.

Although some occupations do not really require first aid training, it is a priceless skill and a worthwhile investment that any individual can learn. You do not only ensure the safety of your loved ones but can also help lives in case of disasters.

The first aid training

First aid training courses are a one-day course that is offered by the workplace approved and

other accredited training providers. It is composed of didactic and hands-on training. Licensed instructors guide participants through every step of the way. During the training, the participants use dummies to practice on and build skills. There is an evaluation that needs to be passed in order to get the CPR certification card. If you have already completed first aid training course in the past, you will need to take re-training to update your skills. New techniques are often introduced as more research studies are conducted. It is important to stay up-to-date to these new developments in first aid. Usually, a re-training is required at least every two years.

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