First Aid for Respiratory and Cardiac Arrest

Fact Checked

First Aid Ottawa supplies workplace approved CPR AED training courses at Canada’s capital. Courses that include training in management and recognition of cardiac arrest include emergency and standard first aid. These two courses teach candidates the basic skills in first aid and they are the most popular first aid and CPR courses offered through St Mark James. Register for either first aid and CPR course with Ottawa First Aid.

If you find a victim who is face down then you need to roll them over in order to check their breathing. You will need to reach across the person and grab any clothing nearby the waist that is strong enough to pull on. While doing so, be sure to offer support for the victim’s head and neck to prevent their head from hitting the floor. Roll the person towards you and once you have rolled them over, open their airway and check for breathing. Perform the regular duties for first aid. Check the scene for any dangers and then check for a response. See if they are merely sleeping or drunk. If they are in need of emergency aid, then proceed to have someone else call EMS. Be sure to have them report back to you and that they understand.

Check ABC’s and then turn on the AED (if you have it). If you did not observe cardiac arrest occur then perform five cycles of CPR prior to commencing AED protocol. If your AED is equipped with a voice recorder option then you need to advise who you are and those helping you. The age, gender and name of the victim and your location. You also need to describe the events leading to the cardiac arrest. Then you need to provide shock if the AED tells you to. Be sure to observe safety during the whole process for both yourself and your victim. You are permitted to use standard defibrillation protocol if the victim is a pregnant person in cardiac arrest or a traumatized person in cardiac arrest (but move the person as little as possible). If your victim has experienced hypothermic or extreme cold environment then do not administer more than one shock. For additional information, please contact First Aid Ottawa for our soonest workplace approved CPR AED training courses.

The information posted on this page is for educational purposes only.
If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional

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