An eyelid lump is usually due to the inflammation or blockage of the oil glands within the eyelid. Take note that these oil glands are positioned close to the borders of the eyelid at the base of the eyelashes which is the typical site for the formation of the lumps.
Anyone can develop an eyelid lump but common among middle-aged adults around 30-50 years old. The development of the lumps might be brought about by naturally-occurring blockage of the oil glands or linked to a mild bacterial infection involving the glands. The lumps might also be triggered by a variety of skin lesions.
What are the indications of an eyelid lump?
An eyelid lump can be accompanied by other symptoms that vary depending on the underlying ailment. The usual eye symptoms include the following:
- Itchy eyes
- Double or blurred vision
An eyelid lump is usually due to inflammation of the oil glands positioned close to the base of the eyelashes. - Increased production of tears
- Gritty sensation in the eyes
- Increased light sensitivity
- Pain or sensitivity of the eyelid to movement or touch
- Sensation of a foreign object in the eye
- Warmth, redness or swelling of the eyelids
What are the causes?
An eyelid lump is usually due to inflammation of the oil glands positioned close to the base of the eyelashes. The inflammation of these glands might be brought about by clogging or by a bacterial infection inside the gland.
One way to minimize the potential recurrence of infection responsible for the lumps is proper hand washing before touching the eyes or adjacent areas.
In some instances, cancer might be the cause of the lumps. Oftentimes, it can be hard to pinpoint between a lump due to cancer or a harmless one. Due to this, it is vital to consult a doctor for further assessment.
What are the common causes?
- Blepharitis
- Stye or hordeolum
- Cysts or benign sacs containing air, fluid or other material
- Chalazion
- Nevus
- Ingrown eyelash hair