Drowning prevention measures

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Whether swimming in a pool, river or ocean, it is vital to observe water safety measures at all times. Remember that drowning is a vital cause of injury-related death among young children. Even though young children face the highest risk, even older children who know how to swim can face difficulty or even drown.

When outdoors during the summer season, safety issues might not be in mind. Nevertheless, to ensure that children are safe, you have to follow some basic precautions. With these water safety practices, it can help prevent anyone in the family from harm, especially drowning.

Always ensure adult supervision

Even though older children are old enough to engage in their activities in the water, do not let your guard down. Once children are close to water, you should closely supervise them at all times.

When watching over children, whether close or around the pool, ocean, river, lake or even a bathtub, do not multitask. It is not advisable to engage in distracting activities that will cause you to lose focus on the children.

Whether swimming in a pool, river or ocean, it is vital to observe water safety measures at all times.

Utilize pool fencing

Swimming pools whether small in size or inside the house can be dangerous to small children. Even if parents are just nearby, children face the risk for drowning if proper precautions are not observed.

In case there is a swimming pool in the house, it is recommended to separate the house from the pool by installing an isolation fence. Take note that this fence should be four-sided to completely cover the pool and includes a self-close and self-latch. The fence should keep children away from the pool area.

Always use life jackets

Remember that life jackets are not just for boating. When children are near natural bodies of water, it is recommended to wear life jackets. Even if a child knows how to swim, it is possible for rip tides and under currents to overpower them.

What are the basics?

Oftentimes, prevention is not enough and accidents can occur. It is recommended to learn the basic life-saving skills by enrolling in a first aid course today. Aside from swimming skills, it is important that you know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

With the help of CPR, it can save lives by maintaining the flow of oxygenated blood to the vital organs in the body. Once the heart stops, an individual can die in just minutes. When you are properly trained in delivering CPR, you can save a life.

How to avoid accidents

Water injuries and deaths due to drowning can be prevented as long as adults are observant when children are playing in the water. It is vital to be vigilant at all times around water so that any water-related injuries such as drowning can be avoided. In addition, swimming pools and beaches should be safety personnel such as a life guard at all times.

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