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Diverticulosis involves the development of pouches in the colon wall. These pouches are small but can grow bigger. The pouches in the colon wall do not trigger any symptoms. These pouches are not discovered unless symptoms manifest. Most individuals with diverticulosis do not end up with diverticulitis. In most instances, diverticulosis is only discovered when tests are carried out to find out the cause of a different medical condition.

What are the possible causes?

The reason why pouches form in the colon wall is not fully understood. The doctors believe that it forms when high pressure within the colon drives against the weakened spots in the wall.

Generally, a diet high in fiber produces bulky stool that can easily move through the colon. If the diet lacks fiber, the colon should strain to move hard, small stools. A low-fiber diet also increases the time the stool lingers in the bowel, thus adding up to the pressure.

Many individuals do not experience any symptoms. One might have diverticulosis for many years by the time the symptoms manifest. Over time, some develop an infection in the pouches.

The pouches might form once high pressure drives against the weakened areas in the colon where the blood vessels move via the muscular layer of the bowel wall to deliver blood to the interior wall.

What are the indications?

Many individuals do not experience any symptoms. One might have diverticulosis for many years by the time the symptoms manifest. Over time, some develop an infection in the pouches.

The symptoms include abdominal cramping, diarrhea without fever or other indications of an infection.


The ideal way to manage diverticulosis is to prevent constipation with the following measures:

  • The diet must include vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains daily since these are high in fiber.
  • Increase the intake of fluids so that the urine turns light yellow or clear
  • Exercise on a regular basis. It is recommended to perform moderate to vigorous activity for at least 2 ½ hours every week.
  • A fiber supplement must be taken daily if needed. Make sure that the instructions on the label is carefully followed.
  • Set the time for bowel movement each day. Remember that a daily routine can help. Try to take time and avoid straining when having a bowel movement.

These measures can reduce the chances for new pouches to form and lower the risk for diverticulitis.

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