Dealing with water slide injuries

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There are various forms of water slide injuries that you should be familiar with. It is important to note that water slides are recreational structures designed to allow an individual to descend into a pool at the base of the slide.

In most water slides, the surface is slickened by the continuous flow of running water. Throughout the years, the number of outdoor and indoor water parks offering water slides have increased. Remember that it is vital to carefully follow the safety precautions since injuries can occur on water slides.

What are the common injuries?

Most of the injuries in water parks involve a water slide. Generally, most cases of injuries are brought about by high-velocity as well as slippery surfaces.

The injuries that occur from flipped tubes can result to head injuries, open wounds and even death.

One can get hurt while on a water slide as well as from the impact of hitting the pool as well as crashing with other swimmers. The injuries that occur from flipped tubes can result to head injuries, open wounds and even death.

Other injuries that can occur in a water slide include scrapes when getting on or off a slide, falling off the slide, dislocation or hyperextension, injuries from foreign objects, choking, being trapped or pinched, suffocation and water inhalation.

Preventive measures

Remember that a water slide is regarded as a form of amusement, but it can be dangerous if the proper precautions were not observed. Certain considerations to bear in mind when using a water slide include:

  • Avoid any slippery surfaces
  • Do not allow small children to use the large slides
  • Stay out of water that looks dirty or has an unusual odor

Additionally, water slides are not designed for the older individuals. The older people face a higher risk for injuries.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on water slide injuries is for learning purposes only. Learn more about the injuries by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.

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