Corneal abrasion: What are the causes?

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A corneal abrasion is described as a scratch from foreign objects such as dust, metal specks, sand grains or animal claws. The cornea is a transparent, thin dome that covers the iris and pupil of the eye.

Most cases of corneal abrasions are relatively minor and rapidly heal. In some cases, a corneal abrasion might be accompanied by inflammation. If the abrasion becomes infected, it can become a corneal ulcer.


The cornea includes several nerve endings. This is the reason why a minor scratch can be quite uncomfortable and painful. It feels as if there is something rough and large in the eye.

If there is abrupt eye pain along with tearing and rapid blinking along with some redness, the individual has a scratched cornea.

If there is abrupt eye pain along with tearing and rapid blinking along with some redness, the individual has a scratched cornea. A doctor must be seen right away.


If an individual scratches his/her eye or something enters the eye, the initial task is to rinse it using clean water or saline solution right away. Blinking several times can also help in removing grit, sand or other foreign material inside the eye.

Avoid rubbing or touching the eyeball or placing any solution or substances into the eye.

In case the doctor diagnoses the individual with corneal abrasion, the indications of infection are checked. The doctor will also decide if there is a need for a topical antibiotic in the form of an eye drop.

For severe cases, a prescription eye drop is given to alleviate the pain and light sensitivity. A prescription pain medication might also be given. In most instances, the cornea can heal rapidly, usually within several days.


Eye injuries can be prevented by wearing the appropriate eye gear while working with tools, mowing the lawn or handling chemicals or welding equipment. Once any of the indications of a corneal abrasion are present, a doctor must be seen right away for further assessment.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a corneal abrasion is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage eye injuries by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.

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