Head Pain - Headache

Close look on sinus headaches

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Sinus headaches are considered as the most debilitating headaches since they occur with other symptoms that can disrupt with the ability to perform daily functions. Aside from the pressure and pain in or around the cheeks, forehead and nose, the headaches can be accompanied by cough, congestion, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, fever or fatigue.

The sinuses are comprised of 2 sets of cavities that are positioned on either side of the head that stretch from the middle of the forehead and beneath the eyes up to the temples.

If an individual suffers from sinus headaches, he/she can also notice nasal discharge that is yellow, green or blood-tinged.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Sinus headache
The indications of sinus headaches include continuous pain in the head that is paired with other intense symptoms such as discolored, thick nasal secretions or postnasal drip which causes an annoying trickling of mucus at the back of the throat.

The indications of sinus headaches include continuous pain in the head that is paired with other intense symptoms such as discolored, thick nasal secretions or postnasal drip which causes an annoying trickling of mucus at the back of the throat.

Normally, these nasal passages generate mucus that drains down the sinuses into the nose to lubricate the nasal canals. Once a sinus headache occurs, it is usually due to sinusitis which involves inflammation of the sinus membranes.

Is there are link between sinus headaches and migraines?

Sinus headaches are categorized as inflammatory headaches. A diagnosis depends on the triggers and the location and nature of the headache.

Migraines feel similar to sinus headaches due to pain behind the eyes that worsens when bending forward. The difference with migraines is that it is accompanied by sensitivity to noise and lights. Additionally, migraines are concentrated in the temples and often on one side of the head.


When it comes to sinus headaches, over-the-counter pain relief measures that can help relieve the symptoms include aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Remember that symptomatic treatment is not enough since it does not deal with the underlying sinus issue responsible for causing the pain.

The recovery from a sinus headache might involve various remedies including the use of over-the-counter saline sprays, humidifiers, decongestants or antihistamines.


If an individual experiences the symptoms of this type of headache, a doctor should be consulted if the pain could not be relieved with over-the-counter remedies, fever higher than 100.5 degrees and symptoms that last longer than 10 days.

When a doctor is consulted, he/she will ask about the symptoms experienced and perform a physical exam. The doctor will also test the samples of mucus for bacteria or assess the nasal passages with an endoscope.

In case sinusitis is triggered by irritants such as pollen, smoke or dust, the doctor might prescribe a corticosteroid nasal spray that works by minimizing the swollen sinuses responsible for the headache. For bacterial sinus infections, the effective treatment involves antibiotics that are taken based on the prescribed length to ensure that the bacteria are eliminated.

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