Childhood respiratory ailments: Close look on bronchiolitis

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Bronchiolitis is a prevalent respiratory ailment that affects infants. Since one of its distinctive symptom is difficulty breathing, it can be frightening for most parents.

The condition involves infection that causes the small-sized breathing tubes of the lungs to become swollen. This disrupts the airflow through the lungs, thus causing difficulty breathing. This occurs most often among infants due to their smaller and readily blocked airways.

What are the causes?

Bronchiolitis is triggered by one of the several respiratory viruses which includes respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza and influenza. There are also other viruses that can cause the condition.

Bronchiolitis is triggered by one of the several respiratory viruses which includes respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza and influenza.

Infants with RSV infection face a higher susceptibility to end up with bronchiolitis that is accompanied by difficulty breathing and wheezing.

Indications of bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis typically begins with symptoms of common cold such as minor cough, runny nose as well as fever. After 1-2 days, the cough worsens and the infant has rapid breathing.

Indications of difficulty breathing in infants

  • Child might widen his/her nostrils and the muscles beneath the rib cage appears to squeeze to get more air in and out of the lungs.
  • While breathing, the child has a tendency to grunt and constrict his/her stomach muscles.
  • There is a high-pitched whistle-like sound or wheezing during exhalation.
  • There is difficulty drinking since it is hard to suck and swallow
  • If it becomes hard for the child to breathe, bluish tinge around the lips and fingertips becomes evident. This shows that the airways are blocked that there is lack of oxygen in the blood.

In case an infant has any of these symptoms of difficulty breathing, get in touch with a doctor.

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