Chest congestion: Close look on the usual causes?

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Chest congestion is the buildup of mucus and fluids in the lungs. This condition causes symptoms such as discomfort or pain, coughing, tenderness and difficulty breathing.

It might be an indication of a severe lung or heart condition that necessitates prompt medical care. Remember that chest congestion can trigger both productive or dry cough. In some instances, the congestion can be identified by listening to the breathing sounds and results of the chest X-rays.

Bronchitis is a viral or bacterial inflammation brought about by a viral or bacterial infection affecting the bronchial tubes inside the lungs.

Common conditions that cause chest congestion


Bronchitis is a viral or bacterial inflammation brought about by a viral or bacterial infection affecting the bronchial tubes inside the lungs.

The acute form might develop due to other respiratory infections such as common cold while the chronic form is a serious condition triggered by continuous irritation of the lungs. Any form of bronchitis leads to significant production of mucus that can fill up the lungs, resulting to a disruption in the normal breathing process and causing chest congestion.


This is an infection of the lungs brought about by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. The infection can attack the lungs as well as the brain, kidneys and the spine.

If the lungs are affected, it can trigger significant coughing, difficulty breathing, chest pain and chest congestion. In case the condition is left untreated, it can be deadly.

Congestive heart failure

Congestive heart failure develops if the heart could not adequately drive blood all over the body. The main symptom of this form of heart failure is lung or chest congestion that occurs if fluid builds up in the lungs.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on the causes of chest congestion is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize the usual causes by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.

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