Cervical spinal fracture: What are the usual complications?

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The cervical spine is the region of the spinal column comprising the neck. A cervical spinal fracture is quite common and responsible for almost half of all spinal injuries. The complications of a cervical spinal fracture vary depending on the severity of damage. The injury can trigger symptoms that range from minor discomfort to dangerous complications.

Common complications of a cervical spinal fracture

Neck pain or discomfort

An individual with a minor case of cervical spinal fracture might experience discomfort near the site of injury. Most individuals suffer from significant neck pain after a cervical spinal fracture.

The neck might also be tender to the touch. The fracture might also trigger stiffness or rigidity of the neck due to the swelling around the site of the injury.

Most individuals suffer from significant neck pain after a cervical spinal fracture.

Radiating pain

The pain after a cervical spinal fracture is not always localized, particularly if an adjacent nerve is damaged or irritated. The discomfort can radiate from the neck into the shoulder, down the arm or even into the fingers.

The radiating pain brought about by burden on the cervical nerve roots can vary in severity from a dull twinge to an intense burning feeling.

Difficulty breathing

A cervical spinal fracture that occurs close to the skull can result to difficulty breathing. A high cervical fracture can disrupt with the neurological breathing control center. After a fracture, an individual might take more shallow breaths and might have difficulty in controlling his/her breathing.

Reduced neck movement

The neck is specifically designed to move forward, backward and sideways. Nevertheless, a cervical spinal fracture reduces the ability to move the neck in one or several directions.

An individual with a fracture typically has difficulty turning the chin from side to side and even suffer pain and muscle spasms.

Muscular weakness

A severe case of fracture can lead to nerve irritation or damage. In case the nerves responsible for controlling the muscles are disrupted in any manner, the muscles weaken. In some instances, it might become partly or fully paralyzed.

Sensory issues

Fractures in the cervical spine that result to damage to the sensory nerves might change how the individual feels. The sensory issues that arise after a cervical spinal fracture can vary from pins and needles to full numbness.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a cervical spinal fracture is for learning purposes only. Learn how it is managed by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.

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