Causes of breakthrough seizures

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A breakthrough seizure is described as an episode of seizure activity in an individual with epilepsy while under a stable regimen of anti-epileptic drugs. Even though the individual might have control over his/her seizures most of the time, there is a point when he/she experiences a seizure for no evident reason. Understandably, a reason does exist but tends to vary for each individual. Being familiar with the possible causes can help prevent breakthrough seizures from occurring unexpectedly.

Once a seizure attack occurs, it is vital that you know the appropriate measures to perform to prevent injury to the individual during an episode, particularly head injury. Always provide a soft padding beneath the head and clear the area from any objects to prevent further injury.


The best way for an individual to maintain control over his/her seizures is to stay compliant with the care plan provided by the doctor. The vital point in managing seizures involves the use of several anti-epileptic medications that were prescribed by the doctor.

Always provide a soft padding beneath the head and clear the area from any objects to prevent further injury.

For these medications to take effect, they should steadily build-up in the bloodstream. If the individual does not take his/her medications as directed, this cannot happen. In addition, various medications both prescription and over-the-counter can disrupt with this process. The individual should consult his/her doctor before taking other medications.

Discontinuing medication

Oftentimes, the individual might decide to discontinue his/her medications due to the side effects he/she experiences, the amount of pills to be taken daily or because he/she has not experienced any seizures for some time and feels that medications are no longer needed. If there is an abrupt stop in the intake of the anti-epileptic medications, it can result to episodes of breakthrough seizures as it causes confusion in the body. If the doctor decides to stop or change a medication, it is done in a gradual manner by reducing the dosage.

Personal triggers

Each individual with epilepsy has his/her own set of triggers that causes a seizure to occur. Severe sleep deprivation, emotional stress, playing video games and flashing lights are factors that can cause a breakthrough seizure. Even though medications are useful in managing epilepsy, they cannot cure the condition fully. The individual should do his/her part by avoiding the personal triggers as much as possible.

Hormonal factor

Women face a higher risk for experiencing breakthrough seizures due the wavering of the hormones that they experience every now and then. A woman who still has menstrual cycles has a greater risk for seizures mid-cycle as well as before the start of a cycle. This is due to the variation in the hormones in the body since estrogen increases the likelihood of the seizures while progesterone inhibits them. The levels of progesterone are at the lowest right before and in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

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