The stomach cramps that occur after eating turkey might seem uncommon but if an individual is allergic to meat, has meat intolerance or suffering from food poisoning, stomach cramps is an indication of a reaction. Once the individual notices that he/she repeatedly develops stomach cramps after eating turkey, he/she is most likely to be allergic or intolerant to turkey alone or one of the ingredients used along with turkey. In case the stomach cramps is an isolated event, the individual might have food poisoning. A doctor must be consulted to help determine the exact cause of the stomach pain.
Allergy to turkey
Even though it is uncommon, an individual might be allergic to turkey. In most cases of food allergies, they are triggered by a hypersensitivity to the proteins present in the food. If an individual is allergic to turkey, the reaction is usually linked to a hypersensitivity to the carbohydrates present in the meat.
Once an individual eats turkey, the immune system recognizes the carbohydrates as a detrimental substance even though they are relatively harmless. Take note that the reaction is capable of triggering other chemicals to react in the body, resulting to the common allergy symptoms such as abdominal pain, stomach cramps and diarrhea.
An individual might only be intolerant to certain foods including turkey. Once an individual is intolerant to turkey, the digestive system could not properly digest the proteins present in the meat. Almost all the foods eaten and beverages consumed require certain enzymes to break down the proteins and sugars for proper absorption by the body. If the individual lacks the required enzymes to digest the proteins in turkey, swelling and inflammation can manifest resulting to gas, stomach cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea and nausea. By enrolling in a class on first aid, you can readily manage these symptoms.
Food poisoning
In an isolated case where the individual develops stomach cramps 4-36 hours after eating turkey, it might be linked to food poisoning. This condition occurs once the individual eats foods that have been contaminated with a harmful organism. Turkey that has been undercooked or has been left out at room temperature too long and mishandled turkey will allow the growth of infectious organisms. In case the individual develops food poisoning, the symptoms usually progress into diarrhea, vomiting, severe stomach cramps for 1-10 days.
Considerations to bear in mind
There are also certain spices and condiments that are included in turkey dishes. The individual might experience a reaction to one of the ingredients in the dish. The common food allergens capable of triggering an allergic response include soy, wheat, peanuts, eggs as well as dairy and tree nuts. In case the turkey is processed, it might contain MSG which is a food additive that can instigate an adverse reaction in some individuals.