Can food allergy cause an itchy inner ear?

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Food allergies are common among young children but often outgrow it by the age of 5. The usual food allergens include nuts, fish, milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat and soy. The signs of a reaction generally include upper respiratory, digestive and skin issues. The elevated level of histamine in the blood can cause an itchy inner ear.

If the individual has a food allergy, the immune system overly reacts if an allergen is consumed. The body reacts to the proteins in food as a threat. The immune system releases antibodies and histamine to fight the allergen. The high levels of histamine all over the body causes irritation. Histamine is released in the soft tissues, usually in the throat, sinuses and inner ear.

If the individual experiences itchy inner ears due to a food allergy, the ideal treatment is to avoid eating any foods that triggers an allergic reaction.

What are the signs?

Food allergies affects everyone in a different manner but cause similar symptoms. The common symptoms include:

  • Eye irritation
  • Nasal congestion
  • Throat irritation
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Itchy inner ear
  • Asthma

Allergies that trigger significant swelling in the ear might lead a secondary ear infection. Remember that even if the interior ear is not infected, the allergy can cause constant itchiness.

Management of itchy inner ears

If the individual experiences itchy inner ears due to a food allergy, the ideal treatment is to avoid eating any foods that triggers an allergic reaction. An antihistamine can be taken to lessen the itchiness and irritation in the inner ear if the individual accidentally ate food that he/she is allergic to. The drug works by blocking the ability of the body to produce histamine which is responsible for the irritation in the interior ear and other parts of the body. In case the irritation leads to an ear infection, antibiotics might be prescribed by the doctor.

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