Can caffeine trigger chest pain?

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Chest pain can occur in some individuals after consuming caffeine. It is important to note that caffeine is a stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system and provides a stimulating effect. The chest pain that occurs after caffeine consumption is due to inflammation and tightness in the lungs and airways. The chest pain can be accompanied by heart palpitations and a pounding sensation felt in the chest, arm and throat. A doctor should properly evaluate the symptoms in order to ensure that the individual is not experiencing a heart attack.


Caffeine is typically used together with ergotamine which is a medication used in managing certain headaches since caffeine provides a faster absorption rate. The drug is also present in other medications such as antihistamines and can be used to manage breathing issues among infants.

Chest pain
The chest pain can be accompanied by heart palpitations and a pounding sensation felt in the chest, arm and throat.

It is also present in tea, kola nuts, coffee as well as soda beverages and cocoa. Caffeine is not intended for prolonged use without the consent of a doctor. If the individual experiences undesirable reactions while using caffeine, stop the consumption of the substance and consult a doctor.

Excess caffeine

Consumption of excess caffeine can cause chest pain, tightness and increased heart rate. It is important to note that caffeine affects each individual in a different way, based on the weight, usual consumption of caffeine and other health conditions.

An average adult consumes between 200-300 mg of caffeine on a daily basis without causing any harm. If the individual consumes more than 500 mg or more, he/she might develop adverse reactions such as chest pain. The other symptoms of consuming too much caffeine include confusion, dizziness, breathing difficulty, fever, increased thirst, convulsions, rapid heart rate, hallucinations, vomiting, muscle twitching and sleeping difficulty.

Allergic asthma

If an individual is allergic to caffeine, he/she might develop allergic asthma that can lead to chest pain. An allergy to caffeine can cause the immune system in the body to produce chemicals to fight the substance. These chemicals are responsible for causing inflammation in the soft tissues all over the body. Once these substances reach the lungs, the airways become constricted and end up swollen. This can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain as well as shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Take note that wheezing is a high-pitched sound produced by the constricted windpipe.


It is vital to minimize the intake of caffeine in a 24-hour period to check if the chest pain subsides. Once an individual is overdosed on caffeine, you have to call poison control for further advice. An allergy to caffeine can be prevented and managed by eliminating the substance from the diet. If the individual accidentally consumed caffeine with an allergy, call for emergency assistance right away or bring him/her to the nearest emergency department for proper treatment.

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