Basil allergy: Am I allergic?

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Basil allergy is considered rare but can cause distressing symptoms. A reaction can trigger hives, runny nose, shortness of breath, itchy eyes, vomiting and nausea right after eating.

The ideal remedy for this form of allergy is avoidance of foods that include basil such as pesto sauce, green curry sauce and Italian seasoning. Remember that all Mediterranean and Italian dishes must be eaten carefully since most dishes include the spice.

Once histamine is released, it triggers the characteristic symptoms such as swelling, hives, itchiness and rashes.

What happens during an immune response?

It is important to note that basil allergy arises if the immune system wrongly identifies the herb as a threat. Upon initially eating the herb, the body establishes antibodies to fight it.

The next time the herb is eaten, histamine is released which is responsible for the allergy symptoms.

Once histamine is released, it triggers the characteristic symptoms such as swelling, hives, itchiness and rashes. The chemical also causes the smooth muscles to contract which affects one’s capability to breath and mediate signals from the stomach to the emetic center in the brain which instigates nausea and vomiting.

Possibility of cross-reactivity

Plants which are part of the similar family as basil such as thyme, oregano, sage, mint and lavender might instigate cross-sensitivity. This simply means that if an individual is highly sensitive to one of these foods, a reaction arises if basil is eaten.

In studies conducted, it is suspected that all plants in the family have similar molecular structures, but the exact allergen in basil has not yet been identified.

What are the risk factors?

It is important to note that food allergies are not inherited directly, but one is at higher risk if others in the family have allergies. Individuals with asthma are likely to develop food allergies as well.

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