Allergic reaction to dark chocolate

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It is important to note that chocolate has been known to trigger an allergic reaction in some highly sensitive individuals all over the globe. Take note that an actual allergy to cocoa which is the main component in chocolate is considered rare. An allergic reaction might be triggered by any of the various components or ingredients present in different chocolate products including dark chocolate.

Allergy and sensitivity

In some individuals, there are specific foods that are capable of triggering a number of adverse reactions. With a true food allergy, the body wrongly identifies the protein in the offending food as a threat to the body.

The immune system reacts by attacking the protein with responses including histamine and antibodies which trigger undesirable effects. Certain foods can also trigger unwanted reactions that do not involve the immune system which is called as sensitivity or intolerance. Take note that intolerance is generally less severe than an allergy, but can still cause discomfort.

In some individuals, there are specific foods that are capable of triggering a number of adverse reactions.

Pure chocolate

It is important to note that pure chocolate is derived from cocoa beans which are seeds of the small tropical tree. These are fermented, dried and roasted to create chocolate. The two main components in chocolate include cocoa and cocoa butter which are separated as part of the manufacturing process.

Cocoa contains the active ingredients in chocolate including the stimulants such as theobromine and caffeine as well as the flavor compounds. As for cocoa butter, it provides pure chocolate its texture and richness. An allergy to either component is considered uncommon but can occur. In some cases, an individual might develop intolerance to caffeine or theobromine which can instigate an adverse reaction.

Dark chocolate

The commercial dark chocolate products contain various additives that are designed to improve its flavor, texture, handling qualities, shelf life and profitability. Most of these products can be considered as potential allergens or common triggers of intolerance.

The desirable and finest brands only add sugar, vanilla and soy lecithin but the low-quality varieties of dark chocolate might include dairy products, gelatin, soy or egg-derived lecithin, corn syrup and other sweeteners. Cross-contamination at the factory can result to trace amounts of nuts, eggs, gluten and other allergens. The low-quality varieties also include several preservatives, emulsifiers and antioxidants that might trigger reactions among highly sensitive individuals.


In most cases, the doctor might find it difficult to differentiate between an actual chocolate allergy and sensitivity to the ingredients or components in chocolate. This requires several tests to determine which ingredients are responsible and to verify it.

An actual chocolate allergy generates a reaction with pure non-alkalized cocoa but intolerance to other ingredients might take some time to determine accurately. If an individual is genuinely allergic to chocolate, he/she might be able to consume low-quality commercial chocolates. In case the individual reacts to additives, he/she might be able to eat better grades of pure chocolate.

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