A Must-Read before Heading out To the Wild

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A lot of people love the outdoor life because of its exciting adventures. However, you should be aware that the wild poses many great risks. It is important that you are armed not just with a complete first aid kit but also knowledge and skills. Wilderness First Aid is a special first aid course that is offered by St Mark James and other accredited first aid training organizations. In this training course, the participant gets to learn how to stay safe in the wild as well as what to do in case of mishaps.A Must-Read before Heading out To the Wild

Here are five essential pointers on how you can ensure your safety and health while out in the wilderness:

First, you have to have a good diet. This may sound elementary but this is where everything starts. Walking, running, trekking, swimming and climbing coarse terrains can consume your body reserves. Without enough nutrition, your body may not be able to battle off common illnesses. If it is your first time to embark on a major outdoor expedition, be sure to prepare your body weeks or even months before the trip.

Second, ensure cleanliness at all times. Infection, diseases and insect bites are often caused by poor hygiene. As much as possible, bathe daily while in the outdoors, or at least, wash hands frequently. Make sure you have soap or sanitizing solutions in your backpack. If you do not have or have run out, you can make one by combining animal fat and ashes or by boiling the inner bark of a pine tree. You can also make an indigenous toothbrush by mashing the end of a green twig.

Third, wear appropriate clothing. There are a lot of emergencies in the wild – such as hyperthermia, hypothermia, frostbite, fractures, and animal/insect bites that could be easily prevented by wearing appropriate clothes. Make sure that you pack a wide range of clothing so that you can adapt well with changes in the environment. Also bring with you the right footwear. There are shops that specialize in selling outdoor supplies and clothing. You can check with them which clothes are right for your journey.

Fourth, stock up the enough supplies for your entire trip that includes food, clothing, first aid supplies and outdoor supplies. You can find pre-assembled first aid kit for outdoors but it is best to make your own kit. This is because you can easily locate the items needed in case of an emergency. Furthermore, you can adjust the number of supplies that you have to bring depending on the duration of the trip and the number of participants. Keep your supplies safe from the elements by storing them in secured containers such as Zip-lock bags.

Finally, get trained for wilderness first aid. In case of an accident, help is rather unlikely to come on time. It will be your responsibility to deal the situation. This is where Wilderness First Aid comes handy. By attending this training course, you will learn about how to deal with accidents should they happen.

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