
What to do if an individual ingested rat poison?

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Rat poison is one of the harmful chemicals that can be ingested by some individuals. It is important to note that the common forms of rat poison in the market utilize a common blood thinner that triggers internal bleeding among rodents. Directly touching the rat poison is as safe as handling blood thinning medications and usually not harmful. As for the ingestion of rat poison, it is considered life-threatening.

What are the indications of rat poison ingestion?

Most types of rat poison include a blood thinner while others utilize thallium sulfate as an active ingredient. Remember that some of the symptoms are similar and since the symptoms usually take hours or even days to manifest, there might not be any way to pinpoint the type of poison that was ingested.

If an individual exhibit more than one symptom from the following, he/she might have ingested one or both types of rat poison.

Rat poison ingestion
Shortness of breath is one of the indications that an individual ingested rat poison.
  • Bleeding gums
  • Nosebleeds
  • Hair loss
  • Blood-streaked diarrhea
  • Blood in the urine
  • Fatigue
  • Extensive bleeding
  • Shortness of breath

All of these symptoms might be triggered by other conditions as well. Do not attempt to diagnose the condition of the individual and strictly follow the conventional measures on when to call for emergency assistance. In case of non-emergency cases that you suspect might be linked to rat poison, get in touch with a doctor or the poison control center.

First aid for rat poison ingestion

In case the ingestion of rat poison just occurred, get in touch with the poison control center. More than likely, the individual will require immediate medical attention.

Syrup of ipecac and activated charcoal are readily available over-the-counter that can be used for immediate treatment of poison ingestion. Remember not to use activated charcoal or syrup of ipecac unless instructed by poison control.

Preventive measures

Just like with other household chemicals, rat poison should be properly stored in a secure and hard to reach area. If possible, the cabinet where they are stored must be secured with a lock. Make sure that it is stored in an area that is out of reach from children.

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