Potential causes of knee pain when straightening the leg

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Any activity such as running or simply walking involves the knees. The knees are responsible for mobility on a continuous basis and once something goes wrong, it can be an issue for concern. The anatomical structure of the knees is capable of supporting the entire weight of the human body and subjected to forces that can lead to injuries. Remember that knee problems such as knee pain can cause a lot of discomfort and can be debilitating. If you will enroll in a course on first aid today, you can readily provide the appropriate measures to manage these conditions.

Injuries to the knee ligaments

The knee ligaments are sturdy bands of connective tissue that connects the bones to other bones. Just remember that these ligaments are not stretchable and they are responsible for stabilizing the joints to keep the bones in place.

There are four main ligaments in the knee. The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments work by preventing the knee bones from shifting forward or backward. As for the lateral and medial collateral ligaments, they prevent sideways shifting. Since the ligaments are responsible for stabilizing the knee, any tear, stretching or rupture can cause instability in the knee when it is straightened out to bear weight. The uncomfortable sensation that the knee is about to give away indicates an injury. Any injury to the ligaments is often accompanied by swelling which also contributes to knee pain while straightening the knee.

Knee pain
The knee joint is comprised of several bursa and they can become swollen and irritated due to bacterial infection, trauma or overuse of the knee joint.

Injuries to the tendon

The tendons are durable bands of connective tissue that bind muscle to bone. There are several muscle groups that crisscross or positioned close to the knee joint.

The quadriceps muscle is situated in the front part of the thigh and vital in straightening or extending the knee. The inferior end of the muscle is connected to the patellar tendon which traverses over the knee and connects to the kneecap and goes downward to insert with the tibia.

Any injury to the patellar tendon typically occurs among athletes who engage in sports that entail a lot of propulsive upward movement. A tear to the patella is called as jumper’s knee and characterized by knee pain as well as a sore shinbone. The knee pain worsens when the individual initiates movements that require knee flexion and extension.


The bursae are small-sized pouches of fluid that cushions the joints while allowing the ligaments and tendons to glide smoothly over the bony surfaces. The knee joint is comprised of several bursa and they can become swollen and irritated due to bacterial infection, trauma or overuse of the knee joint.

The inflammation of the bursa is called as bursitis. This condition will cause the affected area to swell, feel warm and sore during movement of the joint. If bursitis is accompanied by fever, it indicates infection and a doctor must be consulted.

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