Possible causes of sore dry skin on the elbows

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The treatment for sore dry skin depends on the appearance and location. Dry skin on the elbows can be caused by various conditions that range from boils, infections, dermatitis or even allergic reactions. The treatment varies from medications to topical remedies as well as techniques that address the underlying cause of the dry skin. By enrolling in a course on first aid, you can learn how to properly manage similar skin conditions effectively.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that typically affects the knees and elbows. The skin condition is characterized as white-colored bumps that are scaly and develop over a red-colored patch of skin. The elevated number of skin cells beneath the skin usually causes the outbreak of psoriasis. The treatment for this condition is phototherapy which involves the use of light. Additionally, the application of moisturizers can help reduce the symptoms while oral medications can reduce the itchiness.


Dermatitis is a skin condition that causes swelling, redness and itchiness usually as a result of an allergy to certain chemicals or fabrics that get in contact with the elbows. The condition can cause the skin to break out in blisters and bumps that can be itchy and sore.

Dry skin
Dermatitis is a skin condition that causes swelling, redness and itchiness usually as a result of an allergy to certain chemicals or fabrics that get in contact with the elbows.

Once the outbreaks occur initially on the elbows, it is called as dermatitis herpetiformis. It is considered as a side effect of reaction to products that contain wheat or sensitivity to gluten. Antibiotics can help control the itchiness and dryness. Always remember that prevention is an effective way to avert an outbreak of dermatitis. If the individual has dermatitis herpetiformis, food products that contain wheat should be avoided.


Certain skin issues that include infections and boils on the elbows or other body parts might indicate diabetes. Fungal and bacterial infections that make the skin painful and dry are the usual side effects of the condition. The inflamed elbows turn red and warm. When a biopsy is performed, the doctor will determine the cause of the skin condition and start the appropriate treatment which includes application of topical creams or antibiotics.


Scleroderma is considered as a chronic skin condition that often attacks the tips of the elbows, thus causing the skin to become inflamed as well as painful and dry. The elbows are tender to the touch once the condition flares-up. The elbow pain due to scleroderma can be triggered by the excess production of collagen and is a hereditary condition. Immunosuppressive drugs can help minimize the symptoms which are more evident during cold weather.

If an individual develops sore dry skin on the elbows, it might be caused by certain conditions. The best way to determine the cause is to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that the proper assessment can be carried out as well as provide the suitable form of treatment.

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