Platinum jewelry: Am I at risk for an allergic reaction?

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Platinum jewelry might trigger an allergic rash among sensitive individuals. A skin reaction specifically dermatitis can be triggered by rings made from various metals including platinum.

Even though the rash might be a true allergy to platinum, it might also be an allergic reaction to nickel present in the ring or a skin irritation from any trapped residue. Consulting a dermatologist is necessary to determine if the individual has an allergy to which metal.


The usual cause of dermatitis is nickel allergy. It is important to note that nickel is the most prevalent type of metal that triggers allergies. The silver-colored metal is oftentimes added to other metals to create jewelry.

If the individual is highly sensitive to platinum or nickel, the skin beneath the ring might be reddened, dry, itchy and bumpy and appear as if it has been burned.

Even though nickel is widely used in less costly rings such as those crafted from white gold, 10-karat gold or gold-plated bases, platinum rings might contain nickel as well. Although an allergy to platinum can occur, it is considered rare than nickel allergy.

What are the indications?

If the individual is highly sensitive to platinum or nickel, the skin beneath the ring might be reddened, dry, itchy and bumpy and appear as if it has been burned. In severe cases, the skin might even break out in blisters.

Even though the symptoms generally arise 12-48 hours after using the ring, an allergy might arise abruptly years after wearing the ring. The symptoms that can last for 2-4 weeks might arise in other parts of the body.

The precise cause of nickel and platinum allergy is still unknown. A dermatologist can confirm an allergy using a patch test which involves the use of a small patch with a trace amount of the metal on the skin for days to check if any symptoms arise.

Management of reactions to platinum jewelry

It is sad to note that there is no available cure for nickel or platinum allergy. If the individual develops allergy symptoms, it usually lasts for life.

Both prescription and over-the-counter products such as oral antihistamines and corticosteroid creams can help lessen the symptoms.

Apply calamine along with a warm compress to relieve the itchiness and dryness. In case the rash lasts more than 4 weeks or worsens, a dermatologist should be consulted since it might be an indication that the skin is infected.

Future rashes can be prevented by ensuring that the ring or any jewelry used are purchased from reputable sellers.

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