Management of burns caused by exposure to boiling water

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Many individuals are taken to the emergency room yearly for scald burns caused by exposure to boiling water. The skin that was exposed to boiling water is considered scalded. The layers of skin will absorb the heat and eventually causes damage to the tissue while the cells are destroyed.

In such cases, the liquid will leak from the scalded skin and the body might go into a state of shock. Even though scald burns from boiling water can occur anywhere, they are more common in restaurants.

Steps in handling a burn caused by boiling water

You have to cover the affected area loosely using gauze to shield the delicate tissue from additional damage and infection.

The following steps will help ensure that the burn is properly handled as well as promote healing of the damage skin. If you want to learn more about management of burns, you can register for first aid training today.

  • Pour cold water over the affected area to help cool the skin and disperse the heat. You can utilize a glass or cup or even a faucet to cool the skin. Do this for at least 10 minutes and continue until the pain diminishes. In case water is not readily available, any harmless liquid can be used.
  • Check the burned area to determine the severity. When it comes to superficial burns, they are characterized by swelling, redness and tenderness. This type of burn can be treated at home and do not require medical attention.
  • If the individual is unresponsive, in a state of shock or there are additional injuries, you have to call for emergency assistance. In case the skin appears raw along with the development of blisters, medical care is required. If the burn is more than 1 percent of the mass of the individual or approximately the size of a hand, medical care is also required.
  • Any jewelry or clothing close to the burn site should be removed before the skin starts to swell. You have to remove rings right away if the hand is burned. Any jewelry or clothing that sticks on the skin should not be forced off.
  • Pat the skin dry instead of using the rubbing motion to prevent damage to the tissues. You should not place any ointments or creams to the affected area until prescribed by a doctor. Take note that these can bring the heat deep into the skin layers, resulting to more damage.
  • You have to cover the affected area loosely using gauze to shield the delicate tissue from additional damage and infection. The gauze must be loose so that the circulation is not disrupted. You can hold a cold compress on top of the gauze to reduce the pain and swelling. During the healing process, the gauze must be changed at least once a day.
  • Elevate the burn site on cushions or pillows so that it will rest higher than the level of the heart. The position will minimize the pressure in the tissue of the damaged body part, thus relieving the pain.
  • If blisters are present, they should not be popped open. Always remember that blisters are a bodily response of protecting the delicate tissue that is trying to heal itself. Instruct the individual not to pick or peel them.

Important considerations to bear in mind

You have to test the temperature of the water while it comes out of the tap. Take note that you should only use cool water over the burn. In case gauze is not available during an emergency, you can use clean clothing.

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