Kidney beans: Is it a cause of allergies?

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Allergies to kidney beans is considered rare. One is at higher risk if highly sensitive to other foods included in the legume family. Soy beans and peanuts are the common legumes that can trigger an allergic reaction.

If an individual is highly sensitive to either foods, he/she is at higher risk for ending up with a response to kidney beans. In case adverse reactions arise after consuming kidney beans, consult a doctor right away to discuss the seriousness of the symptoms.

Am I allergic to kidney beans?

An allergy is the overreaction of the immune system to the proteins present in the beans. Right after eating the beans, the body defends itself with antibodies and histamine.

The presence of histamine triggers inflammation in the soft tissues in different parts of the body. This is main cause of most of the allergy symptoms.

What are the indications?

Just like with any form of food allergy, the individual experiences shortness of breath, wheezing, difficulty breathing, sneezing and coughing.

The signs of an allergic response to kidney beans varies from mild to moderate. In rare instances, a severe reaction develops that can progress to anaphylaxis.

The usual signs of a reaction that might be present include:

Just like with any form of food allergy, the individual experiences shortness of breath, wheezing, difficulty breathing, sneezing and coughing.

As for the digestive symptoms, it includes vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea. Additionally, the skin might react by the development of eczema or hives on any part of the body.


An effective treatment is to avoid consuming the offending food. In case symptoms develop after ingesting other legumes linked to kidney beans, the mild symptoms can be treated using antihistamine to lessen the amount of histamine in the body.

There are also other alternatives such as a plant-based protein for soup or chili that can be used such as quinoa to gain the similar nutrients without the risk for an allergic reaction.

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