Itchy belly button

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An itchy belly button is either a rash around the navel or an infection.

What are the usual causes?


This skin condition causes the skin in and around the navel to redden and itch. Remember that there is no cure for this condition. Simply cleanse using a mild soap and rinse and dry the belly button thoroughly. If the individual has an “outie” belly button, it must be moisturized at least twice a day. As for an “innie” belly button, it must be kept dry.

Contact dermatitis

If the skin was exposed to an irritant or allergen, contact dermatitis develops. It manifests as an itchy, reddened rash that might have blisters.

Itchy belly button
If the skin was exposed to an irritant or allergen, contact dermatitis develops.

Apply an over-the-counter anti-itch cream with 1% hydrocortisone or an oral antihistamine such as cetirizine, diphenhydramine or chlorpheniramine.

Yeast infection

Take note that candida is a form of yeast that thrives in dark, damp sites in the body and can cause a yeast infection specifically candidiasis. Along with a whitish discharge, the condition can cover the navel with a red, itchy rash.

Bacterial infection

The combination of sweat, lint and dead skin in the navel can lead to bacterial growth and infection. In some cases, an infection in the belly button can result to a brownish or yellowish discharge.

Infected navel piercing

Remember that a belly button piercing can end up infected. It is best to keep the piercing in place and keep the site clean and dry. A topical antibiotic can be applied. If a doctor is consulted, an oral antibiotic might be prescribed.

Insect bite

Bites from mosquitos, bed bugs, spiders and fleas can cause miniature, reddened bumps.

Home remedies for an itchy belly button

Some of the treatment options in caring for an itchy belly button include:

  • Dab on a paste of turmeric powder and water directly on the itchy site. Once the paste has dried, it must be cleaned thoroughly.
  • Place a mixture of tea tree oil that has been weakened in coconut oil on the itchy site several times throughout the day.
  • Immerse a cotton ball in tepid calendula tea and apply on the naval for 12 minutes.

It is vital to gently wash, rinse and dry the belly button a few times in a week to avoid unwanted itchiness.

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