Home remedy for middle ear pain

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Most cases of ear pain are triggered by infection or inflammation in the middle ear. Even though ear infections are quite common among children, adults can also end up with middle ear infections. The accumulation of fluid inside the ear can clog up the Eustachian tubes and lead to changes in the pressure, ear pain and ear inflammation.

Most cases of acute ear infections typically recover without treatment. In such cases, doctors will instruct the individual to wait and see initially or provide home treatment during the first 72 hours after the symptoms develop. If you want to learn more about similar ear conditions, click here.

Warm compress

You can apply a warm compress over the affected ear and leave in place for about 15-20 minutes. The heat will help minimize the inflammation in the middle ear and reduce the pain. An alternative is to use a hairdryer that is set to warm on the lowest setting. Hold the hairdryer approximately 18 inches away from the affected ear for about 15 minutes.

Sleep in a semi-upright position

Instruct the individual to sleep in a semi-upright position such as in a chair or on several cushions or pillows. In doing so, it will help reduce the pressure in the ear caused by the accumulation of fluid.


Mineral oil

You can heat up some olive oil or mineral oil and place a few drops on the affected ear using an eyedropper. Take note that this home remedy for ear pain is considered safe and effective as long as the eardrum has not ruptured.

Chewing gum

The individual should chew gum or yawn in order to relieve ear pain caused by an imbalance in the pressure between the inner and exterior ear. Any changes in the altitude are responsible for this type of ear pain. Always remember that chewing and yawning will help open up the valves responsible for equalizing the pressure in the ear, thus reducing the pressure and pain.

Tea tree oil

Another beneficial alternative that you can use as a home remedy is tea tree oil. All you have to do is to dilute the tea tree oil with mineral or vegetable oil and place on the affected ear. Tea tree oil possesses antiseptic qualities that can help manage ear infection and provides a soothing effect on the inflamed ears.

With an eyedropper, place 2-3 drops in the affected ear. Just make sure that the oil is warm simile to the body temperature first since cold drops can cause dizziness. Tea tree oil should not be used if a ruptured eardrum is suspected.

Over-the-counter pain medications

You can also provide over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help relieve the swelling and pain. Just remember that aspirin should not be given to children below 16 years old since it can lead to Reye’s syndrome which is a fatal condition.

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