Facial injuries from a gunshot wound

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Facial injuries from a gunshot wound are considered serious. This injury poses as a serious threat to the face, neck and head structures and requires immediate care. Remember that there are various structures in the facial region which are closely arranged. Any injury to the small area can lead to serious side effects in a wider scale.

The severity and extent of the injury might be influenced by various factors linked to the bullet, type of firearm, condition of the individual and the tissues involved.

What are the usual facial injuries from a gunshot wound?

Facial injuries from a gunshot wound
The severity and extent of the injury might be influenced by various factors linked to the bullet, type of firearm, condition of the individual and the tissues involved.

Both the face and scalp has an extensive supply of blood which is why any minor injury can cause significant bleeding. A gunshot wound to the face can cause injuries to the following:

  • Scalp – extensive bleeding can occur and careful assessment of other injuries such as intracranial injuries and skull fracture
  • Eyes – injuries can involve the eyebrows, eyelid, ocular or nasolacrimal ducts, nerves and the eye itself
  • Ear – injury to the ears can result to damage of the nerves, soft tissues and even affect the auditory function
  • Nose – fractures of the nasal cartilage or bones or soft tissue injuries accompanied by bleeding
  • Mouth – injuries can involve the cheeks, lips or tongue as well as the oral bony structures and dental injuries
  • Cranial nerves – the facial nerve might be impaired which causes varying degrees of damage to the movement and functioning of the eyebrows, lips and eyelids


A gunshot wound to the face from significant facial trauma requires immediate medical attention. The emergency care involves resuscitation and thorough assessment. The swelling, bleeding and other forms of trauma can cause significant damage and even affect breathing. In such cases, immediate assessment of the airway must be carried out right away so that proper action can be taken.

The treatment for a gunshot wound to the face involves major steps such as:

  • Checking the airway and breathing
  • Bleeding control
  • Detecting any facial injuries or associated injuries to other parts of the body
  • Repair of any facial injuries

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on facial injuries from a gunshot wound is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage facial injuries by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.

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