Brown recluse spider bites: What happens during the initial stage?

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Brown recluse spider bites are considered poisonous for both humans and animals. If an individual was bit, the wound can become infected and the condition of the individual changes in various phases. The 3 primary stages might occur in the initial 24 hours after sustaining bite from the spider.

What are the indications of brown recluse spider bites?

Redness and stinging sensation

The initial indication of brown recluse spider bites is a stinging sensation at the wound site. This stinging sensation is brought about by the venom as it moves into the bloodstream.

After around 8 hours, the stinging sensation typically progresses to pain. This discomfort might become increasingly intense over time.

This can last for a few moments or up to several hours but generally mild. Once the venom starts to spread, the wound might become reddened and swollen. In some cases, the area becomes puffy or hardened. Take note that the redness might manifest simultaneously with the stinging sensation.


After around 8 hours, the stinging sensation typically progresses to pain. This discomfort might become increasingly intense over time. The discomfort is triggered by the absorption of the venom by the muscle tissues.

Blisters and ulcers

Approximately 24 hours after brown recluse spider bites, a blister forms at the site of the wound. Over time, the blister becomes hard and sloughs off. A wound is left as an oversized ulcer. It is important to note that this ulcer slowly heals and infection might develop in the wound if not properly treated.

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