What to do for a fractured ankle?

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It is important to note that all injuries to the bones and joints typically occur during any type of physical activity and a fractured ankle is considered common. The injuries typically occur if there is too much stress placed on the ankle joints. Remember that a sprain occurs if only the ligaments are involved. Once the bone gives away and eventually breaks, it is called a fracture. The diagnosis of a fractured ankle is difficult without an X-ray of the ankle. A doctor must be consulted right away to assess the condition as well as the cause of the pain around the ankle.

Anatomy of the ankle

There are three bones that connect to form the ankle joint. The major bone in the lower leg which is the tibia makes up the medial or interior of the ankle bone. The fibula is the smaller bone parallel to the tibia. This makes up the lateral or outside of the ankle bone. As for the bottom ends of both the tibia and fibula, they form the arch the rests on top of one of the bones in the foot which is known as the talus.

Fractured ankle
The injuries typically occur if there is too much stress placed on the ankle joints.

There are several causes of an ankle fracture which includes contact sports, vehicular accidents and even falls. Once you suspect that an individual has a fractured ankle, it is best to have it assessed by a doctor for proper treatment.

Why is there numbness?

The numbness is basically the loss of sensation within the affected body part. Take note that the numbness is usually triggered by damage, irritation or compression of the nearby branch of nerves. As for fractured ankle, the swelling can add pressure on the surrounding nerves and cause the loss of sensation in the ankle, toes or foot.

When to seek medical care for numbness?

The symptoms such as deformity of the ankle bones, inability to move the toes or enter entire ankle or numbness of the foot requires immediate medical care. It is important to keep the foot elevated using ice packs until a doctor can be consulted. Avoid placing further stress on the ankle until diagnosed by a doctor.


The treatment for the numbness due to a minor fractured ankle typically involves the reduction of the swelling. You can immobilize the fractured ankle using a brace or wrap and the commonly used treatment options include elevation, cold therapy and rest. If you want to be prepared to care for a minor fractured ankle, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today in your area.

For severe cases of ankle fractures, surgery is required for the broken bones which can take up to 6 weeks to heal. Depending on the severity of the break, weight bearing exercises and rehabilitation should be carried out for recovery.

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