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What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

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Irritable bowel syndrome is a prevalent, long-standing condition affecting the digestive tract. The condition can cause episodes of stomach cramping, diarrhea, bloating and constipation.

The symptoms tend to vary from one individual to another and affect some severely than others. The episodes usually come and go in periods and last a few days up to months at a time, often during times of stress or after consuming certain foods. Some of the symptoms improve after a bowel movement.

Irritable bowel syndrome usually develops first when an individual is between 20-30 years old. In most cases, women are more affected by the condition than men. Remember that this condition is often life-long but can improve over several years.

When to consult a doctor

It is best to set an appointment with a doctor if the symptoms are present, so that the cause can be determined. The doctor might be able to identify irritable bowel syndrome based on the symptoms, although blood tests might be required to rule out other conditions.

Irritable bowel syndrome
The condition can cause episodes of stomach cramping, diarrhea, bloating and constipation.

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

The exact cause of IBS is still unknown, but it is believed to be linked to the elevated sensitivity of the stomach and issues with the digestion of food. These issues might indicate that the individual is highly sensitive to pain from the stomach and might become constipated or have diarrhea since the food that passes via the gut is either too quick or slow. In addition, psychological factors such as stress might also play a role in the condition.

Treatment for IBS

Remember that there is no cure for irritable bowel syndrome, but the symptoms can be managed with modifications to the lifestyle and diet.

  • Identify and avoid beverages or foods that trigger the symptoms
  • Regular exercise
  • Modify the amount of fiber included in the diet
  • Minimize the level of stress

In some cases, medications are prescribed for those who have IBS in order to manage the individual symptoms experienced.

Life with IBS

Always bear in mind the IBS is unpredictable and can go on for several months without any symptoms and then an abrupt flare-up occurs. The condition can be sore and debilitating which leads to a negative impact on life.

Many individuals with the condition often experience feelings of anxiety and depression at some point. A doctor should be consulted if the individual has feelings of anxiety or depression that affects daily life. Take not that these issues rarely improve without treatment.

As long as proper medical and psychological treatment is given, an individual with irritable bowel syndrome can live a normal and active. Remember that IBS does not pose as a serious issue to physical health and will not increase the risk for develop other bowel-related conditions or cancer.

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