What is gangrene?

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Gangrene develops if part of the body tissue dies. This is likely to occur if the tissue is not receiving enough blood. The condition typically affects the extremities especially the fingers and toes. Nevertheless, it can affect other body parts as well, even the internal organs.


Gangrene generally starts in a specific body part such as the hand, leg or internal organ. The condition can spread all over the body and progress into shock if not treated.

As a medical emergency, it might lead to amputations and even death. Immediate recognition and management of the condition can help improve the outlook.

Who are at risk?

Gangrene generally starts in a specific body part such as the hand, leg or internal organ. The condition can spread all over the body and progress into shock if not treated.

An individual is at higher risk for developing gangrene if he/she has a history of medical conditions such as:

  • Blood clots
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Hernia
  • Diabetes
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Appendicitis

Other physical events that also increases the risk include:

  • A weakened immunity due to a medical condition or undergoing cancer treatment
  • Recent surgery
  • Sustained a head injury, serious burn, animal bite or severe frostbite
  • Receiving an injection of promethazine hydrochloride that results to tissue damage
  • Injured in a traumatic way that involves crushing of the body tissues
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking and intravenous drug use


External or dry

Oftentimes, the initial indication of external or dry gangrene is a reddened line around the affected tissue that later turns black.

Other indications that might arise include:

  • Wound that is sore, reddened or swollen
  • Wound is filled with pus or has a foul odor
  • Diminished sense of touch in an isolated region
  • Isolated area in the body feels cold
  • Sores that keep recurring in the same area on the body
  • A region of the skin turned into an unusual color


This type affects the inner organs or tissues. In such instances, there are no symptoms on the skin or limbs. Nevertheless, there might be pain or unexplained fever that lasts for a prolonged period or low blood pressure. Additionally, there is also confusion.


  • Antibiotics are prescribed if bacteria are present which is given intravenously
  • Hyperbaric oxygen chamber provides a special oxygen-rich environment that slows down the growth of bacteria to allow the skin to heal. It also transports oxygen to the impaired tissue to promote healing.
  • Vascular surgery can help improve the blood flow via the veins to the body tissues
  • Tissue debridement involves removal of the affected tissues to prevent the spread of infection and eliminate the dead tissue
  • Amputation of a finger, limb or toe might be required in some cases. The amputated arm or leg might be fitted with an artificial limb or prosthesis to replace the missing body part

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