A varnish is a transparent liquid with a distinctive odor. These products are utilized to provide a polish and glazed coating on furniture and wooden flooring. Generally, these products are manufactured using resins, naturally-obtained oils and chemical solvents.
An individual who accidentally or intentionally swallowed the product is at risk for poisoning.
There are various forms of varnish depending on its usage such as outdoor or indoor. Nevertheless, most include a combination of oils, resins and solvents.
What are the usual indications of varnish poisoning?
The indications of varnish poisoning tend to vary. The poisoning might be mild in one case but can be severe in others. Different bodily systems can be affected.
The usual signs that might arise include the following:
- Respiratory issues that can be serious if the chemical is inhaled
- Burning sensation and associated discomfort in the mouth, throat and esophagus.
- Inflammation of the throat that can lead to difficulty breathing and swallowing
- Respiratory issues that can be severe if the chemical was breathed in
- Bluish discoloration of the lips and under the fingernails
- Visual issues including loss of vision
- Skin burns
- Headache
- Blood-streaked urine
- Lethargy
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Blood-streaked stools
- Stomach pain that can be intense along with cramping
- Abrupt drop in the blood pressure
- Dizziness or sleepiness
- Difficulty walking or poorly coordinated movements
- Coma
- Lasting brain damage in some cases
Management of varnish poisoning
Call for emergency assistance right away if an individual is suspected with varnish poisoning.
- Once poison control center has been reached, provide important details such as the compound ingested, amount and time ingested, weight and age as well as the overall health of the individual.
- Transfer the individual away from the site of exposure, ideally to an area with fresh air.
- Make sure that the individual is breathing and has a pulse rate.
- If the eyes were exposed to the varnish, it should be rinsed continuously with flowing water.
- Do not induce vomiting unless instructed by the healthcare professional. If the individual is vomiting or has reduced level of alertness, do not provide anything orally.
Once the individual is taken to the nearest emergency department, further treatment might be given.
At the healthcare facility, the emergency team might perform the following:
- Monitoring of the vital signs
- Medical management of the symptoms along with breathing support if needed
- Irrigation of the skin or eyes to eliminate leftover traces of the compound
- Skin burns might require surgery including the removal of burned skin
- Intravenous fluids
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on varnish poisoning is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize the signs and how it is treated by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.