Remedies for poison ivy blisters

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Poison ivy is a poisonous plant that releases urushiol which is an oily substance present on the leaves, stem and roots of the plant. Once urushiol comes in contact with the skin, some individuals end up with allergic contact dermatitis. The poison ivy blisters often manifest several days after the rash erupts on the skin.

The poison ivy blisters are itchy and weep fluids from the skin but will not spread the infection or contaminate others. There are various home remedies that can manage the poison ivy blisters and minimize the symptoms experienced by the individual. A doctor should be consulted if the home remedies used were not effective in alleviating the symptoms.

When spending time outdoors, it is vital to watch out for poison ivy so that they can be avoided. It is also recommended to wear proper clothes that covers exposed parts while hiking or camping.

Poison ivy blisters
The poison ivy blisters are itchy and weep fluids from the skin but will not spread the infection or contaminate others.


The poison ivy blisters can open up and become prone to infection if constantly scratched, thus the fingernails should be trimmed short in order to prevent irritating the blisters. Children and even adults might benefit by using gloves at nighttime while sleeping. Moist, loose gauze or other damp bandages can be used to protect the blisters in case the individual has the urge to scratch. The bandages will keep the blisters clean and minimize the risk for becoming infected.

Application of cold compress

Using cool water and moist compresses can provide relief to the itchiness and soften the hard crusts that form on the poison ivy blisters and rashes. Washcloths, paper towels or gauze can be used as wet compresses.

These compresses can be used throughout the day as often as needed to provide relief to the itchiness. Using a blowing fan directly onto the moist compresses also reduces the itchiness and dries up the weeping blisters. The individual can also rub on an ice cube directly on the skin and then allow the skin to air dry.

Topical drying agents

Baking soda and oatmeal can be mixed using a small amount of water to create a paste that works by drying the skin and reducing the itchiness. All you have to do is apply the paste to the skin and allow to air dry. Take note that both oatmeal and baking soda can be added to a cool, tepid bath to relieve the itchiness.

Calamine lotion is a common over-the-counter product readily available in pharmacies and groceries. The lotion works by cooling and drying the oozing poison ivy blisters. It is recommended to apply the lotion 3-4 times a day until the oozing stops. If used for long periods, calamine can dry out the skin, resulting to increased itchiness and cracking of the skin. Other drying agents that can be used include witch hazel and Burrow’s solution, but they might cause a stinging sensation once applied to the blistered skin.

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