Outbreak Management Through Ottawa First Aid Classes

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Aside from the chronic diseases that are common in the area, another reason why taking Ottawa first aid classes is important is that the area is also prone to several outbreaks which are often affected by uncontrollable factors such as the weather. This is why it is important to learn about these outbreaks and how they can be managed through Ottawa first aid classes. Here are some of these outbreaks.


According to Ottawa Public Health, the city suffered from an institutional influenza outbreak during from September 01, 2013 to February 21, 2014 in which all of the victims were infected by the Influenza A virus. In all of these outbreaks, there were no reports of victims who suffered from an infection due to Influenza Type B and C viruses. Aside from the patients, the staff of the health institutions which suffered from the outbreak also incurred the diseases and were successfully treated.


Stomach Pain Caused by Salmonella Infection
Stomach Pain Caused by Salmonella Infection

In 2010, Ottawa suffered from a Salmonellosis outbreak in which 176 residents contracted the disease. This type of food-borne infection is caused by a bacterial strain called Salmonella which are common in domestic animals such as cattle and poultry. It can also be contracted by eating infected vegetables which can become infected due to the presence of the bacterial strain in the animal manure that are used as fertilizers. This type of infection are normally not life-threatening. However, its complications which include vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration can claim the lives of its victims.


Cryptosporidiosis is caused by a parasite called Cryptosporidium parvum which is often found in the intestines of humans and animals and are released through the stools of infected organisms. Just like the Salmonella bacteria, this parasite can be incurred by eating vegetables and fruits that are inhabited by the parasite. it can also be contracted by swimming in infected pools and eating raw, infected foods.

Through Ottawa first aid classes, residents will learn how to manage the symptoms of this type of infection and learn its distinction from other types of colds and sinus problems. First aid students are also taught how to manage the complications of this infection as well as the different ways that the transmission of the virus can be prevented. Ottawa first aid classes also teach students proper hygiene which can help prevent food-borne illnesses. Through first aid classes, they will also learn how to manage the symptoms of these types of diseases to prevent patient fatality.


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