Mosquito-borne ailments: Overview on malaria

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Malaria occurs if blood has been infected by parasites passed on via mosquito bites. Even though the condition has been wiped out in developed countries, it still poses as a health threat to various countries all over the globe.

Malaria develops once a mosquito infected by the malarial parasite bites an individual and passes it into his/her bloodstream. The parasite multiples in the red blood cells, thus destroying them and makes the individual sick. An uninfected mosquito acquires the parasite if it bites a sick individual.


Malaria develops once a mosquito infected by the malarial parasite bites an individual and passes it into his/her bloodstream.

The usual indications of malaria include the following:

  • High fever and chills
  • Headache
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Profuse sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle ache
  • Fatigue
  • Body aches and generalized discomfort

In case the symptoms of malaria are not treated, the disease can be deadly.

Management of malaria

Initially, the doctor should determine the type of parasite responsible for the condition. Depending on the location where the infection took place, some of these parasites might be resistant to certain drugs.

Treatment must be started right away. Always bear in mind that malaria can be deadly and treatment is more effective if promptly started. The malaria drugs might be taken orally or intravenously. The intravenous drugs are recommended for those who could not take medications orally or those who are severely sick.

What are the potential complications?

If malaria is left untreated, it can be fatal which is why it is vital to seek immediate treatment.

The developing resistance of the parasites to the drugs is a serious issue in the treatment for malaria. Some of the parasites can survive and multiply despite taking anti-malarial drugs. When successfully managing malaria, the individual should inform the doctor on areas he/she has travelled.

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