Infrapatellar bursitis involves inflammation of the infrapatellar bursa. This deep bursa is positioned between the patellar ligament and upper anterior surface of the tibia. It is important to note that the bursa is a small-sized sac of fluid which lubricates the movement between the tendons and bone. The condition is usually triggered by friction amidst the skin and the bursa and might oftentimes occur along with jumper’s knee.
What are the indications of infrapatellar bursitis?
- Knee pain at the front part
- Swelling over the region of the infrapatellar bursa
Knee pain at the front part. - The pain strikingly resembles jumper’s knee or patellar tendonitis with discomfort beneath the kneecap
The individual should take a break or rest to allow the affected bursa to settle. This simply means that there should be modifications to the activities performed for a while or complete rest for a few days. Avoid placing any pressure on the joint especially kneeling since this can aggravate the symptoms.
Cold therapy along with compression can help minimize the pain and swelling. The doctor might also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. In case the conservative measures fail, aspiration of the bursa is performed. This involves drawing out of the fluid from the bursa and an injection of corticosteroid is done. The surgical approach which involves removal of the bursa is usually the last resort.