Indications of a blocked artery

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If the individual has a blocked artery inside the heart, he/she might be developing coronary artery disease. This condition is often triggered by the accumulation of cholesterol as well as fatty plaques inside the arteries which is known as atherosclerosis. The diet of the individual usually plays a role in the development of this condition.

Atherosclerosis can disrupt the flow of blood to the heart by causing the narrowing or blockage of the arteries. If the heart does not receive enough oxygenated blood, it will not function normally which can lead to a heart attack. Individuals with coronary artery disease can develop signs that indicate a blocked artery within the heart.


Angina is considered as a prevalent symptom of a blocked artery among individuals who have coronary artery disease. Those who have angina usually complain about discomfort or pain within the center of the chest. Take note that this pain can oftentimes be described as a sensation of numbness, heaviness, tightness, aching or burning within the chest. The chest pain can radiate to other parts of the body if a blocked artery develops such as the arms, back, neck, stomach or even the jaw. If the individual develops symptoms of angina, it is best to seek immediate medical care since the condition is also an indication of a heart attack.

Blocked artery
Angina is considered as a prevalent symptom of a blocked artery among individuals who have coronary artery disease. Those who have angina usually complain about discomfort or pain within the center of the chest.

Difficulty breathing

If the individual develops a blocked artery within the heart, breathing difficulties can also occur. If the individual develops shortness of breath, climbing starts or engaging in daily activities can be difficult. In case the heart does not receive enough supply of blood, fluid will start to accumulate within the lungs and instigate significant breathing issues. The individual should seek immediate emergency care if breathing difficulty is present since this can indicate heart failure or heart attack.


A blocked artery within the heart will prevent oxygenated blood from reaching the brain. Once this occurs, dizziness, fainting, lightheadedness or loss of consciousness can occur in some individuals. Severe weakness or anxiety can also indicate a blocked artery in some cases. If the individual develops any of these symptoms, it is important to seek emergency care as soon as possible.


In some individuals who develop a blocked artery within the heart, they can experience nausea as a result of the condition. Other accompanying gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting or abdominal pain can also occur.

Erratic heartbeat

A fast or erratic heartbeat can also indicate that there is a blocked artery within the heart. In case the heart could not receive enough blood due to the blockage, it will start to pump at a quicker rate in an attempt to provide more blood to the heart. The rapid heart rate can cause the individual to feel dizzy or experience chest pain. Any change in the heart rate is enough to schedule an appointment with a doctor. If a heart attack is suspected, it is important to take the right actions. You can be prepared by enrolling in a first aid class today.

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