There is no cure when it comes to migraines, but various treatment options are available to help ease the symptoms. Remember that the treatment tends to vary from one individual to another. It is recommended to try out various combinations so that the individual can find the most effective one.
Pain medications
Many individuals who suffer from migraines discover that over-the-counter pain medications such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen can help ease the symptoms. These medications are highly effective if taken at the initial indications of a migraine attack so that they have enough time to absorb into the bloodstream and reduce the symptoms.
It is not advisable to wait until the headache becomes worse before using pain medications since it is too late at this point for the medication to work. There are also soluble pain killers that are suitable alternatives since they are quickly absorbed by the body.
For those who could not swallow pain medications due to vomiting or nausea, suppositories might be better options. These are capsules that are inserted into the anus.
Precautions to bear in mind
When over-the-counter pain medications are used, it is vital to carefully check the instructions and strictly follow the dosage recommendations.
Children below 16 years old must not be given aspirin. Ibuprofen and aspirin are not suitable for adults who have stomach issues such as liver problems, stomach ulcers or kidney problems.
Using any type of pain medication continuously can make the migraines worse. This can result to painkiller or rebound headache. A doctor should be consulted if the individual has a need to use medications repeatedly or if the medications used are not effective. The doctor might prescribe a stronger medication or prescribe them together with triptans.
What are triptans?
In case ordinary pain medications could not relieve the migraine symptoms, a doctor should be consulted. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe pain medications along with triptan or even an anti-sickness medication.
The triptans causes the blood vessels surrounding the brain to contract. This reverses the dilation of the blood vessels which is considered as part of the migraine process.
Anti-sickness medications
The anti-sickness medications or anti-emetics can effectively manage migraine in some individuals even if they do not suffer from nausea or vomiting. These are taken along with triptans and pain medications.
Just like with pain medications, the anti-sickness medications work effectively if taken as soon as the symptoms start. They are readily available in tablet form but also in suppository form.
Combination medications
There are various combination medications available for migraine without a prescription. Take note that these medications include both pain medications and anti-sickness medications. If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor.
Many find these combination medications are very convenient. On the other hand, the dosage of the medications might not be high enough to reduce the symptoms. If this is the case, it might be better to use pain medications and anti-sickness medications separately so that the doses can be easily controlled.