Common cases of foreign objects in the nose involve small objects such as tissue paper, seeds, beads, small toy parts, marbles, food particles, erasers, pieces of crayon, cotton, thread etc. Frequently, young children tend to poke objects into their nose; however, most cases are often not very serious and can be dealt with easily.
If a person has something lodged in his nose, follow these steps:
- Ask the person to stop breathing from his nose and start breathing from his mouth to prevent the obstruction from getting deeper into the nose.
- Do not poke the object or try to sweep it off with a cotton swab or a sharp object.
- Blow out of the nostril. Do not blow extremely hard or repeatedly. If the object is lodged in only one nostril, close the other nostril and blow till the object gets dislodged.
- If the object is visible to you, gently try to remove it with a pair of tweezers. Carry out the procedure carefully so that you don’t push the object or crush it. Use a magnifying glass for better visibility of the object. Do not try to blind sweep the obstruction, only try to remove it if you can see it.
- If you are not able to dislodge the object, seek medical assistance immediately.
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