Ottawa First Aid proudly offers workplace approved standard first aid and CPR courses. This course is one of the most popular and the most comprehensive basic first aid course available to the public. This course covers a variety of first aid and CPR topics and emergencies. Standard first aid classes include training and certification in the use of automated external defibrillators (AED). CPR level “C” training comes standard with the course, however, candidates can opt to upgrade to CPR level “C” for health care providers, also known as CPR “HCP”, for most course dates, times and locations. Candidates that complete this course will receive a workplace approved certificate that is nationally accredited and meets many workplace and academic standards / requirements. Certification is valid for 3 years but candidates may be required to re-certify at a earlier date based on employer or school policy. To see if you qualify for or if you want to register for a standard first aid re-certification select the re-cert course from one of the menu’s.
Course Content:
Candidates in this standard first aid course in Ottawa will learn about the following topics.
St Mark James standard first aid courses in Ottawa, Ontario CPR for victims of all ages.
- Conscious and unconscious obstructed airway victims (Choking).
- Respiratory emergencies including asthma, hyperventilation, aspiration and anaphylaxis (allergic reactions).
- Circulatory emergencies (includes heart attacks, angina and strokes).
- Deadly bleeding.
- Internal bleeding.
- Fractures and broken bones.
- Seizures
- Diabetic emergencies including hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
- Sprains and strains.
- Environmental emergencies including hypothermia, frost-bite, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and heat cramps.
- Head and neck injuries.
- Spinal injuries.
- Poisons.
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.
Workplace Approved Certification:
Upon completion of the course candidates will receive workplace approved standard first aid, CPR level “C” (or CPR “HCP”) and AED certification. This certification is valid for 3 years and is a nationally accredited award that is valid throughout Ottawa, Ontario and Canada.
Course Cost:
At Ottawa First Aid we strive to offer the lowest prices in your region. Our standard first aid, CPR and AED courses cost only — dollars. Course fee includes taxes, first aid manual and workplace approved certification fees.
Course Length:
The length of our standard first aid, CPR and AED courses is 18 hours.
To register for a standard first aid, CPR level “C” or “HCP” and AED course select the course date, time and location from the selection below. Complete the registration form and submit payment to guarantee yourself a spot in the course. Accepted methods of payment include credit card, debit card and PayPal. If you would like to complete payment through another method please feel free to ask via email at [email protected] or call.
No Pressure:
At Ottawa First Aid we have a “no pressure” policy. If you do not complete the course the first time you can re-take the course at no extra cost. We understand that candidates learn through a variety of different methods and at different speeds. Our instructors are patient and understanding.
We have comfortable and convenient locations for standard first aid courses throughout Ottawa.
Private Training:
We offers private standard first aid training to you or your business in Ottawa. To book a private course please email at [email protected] or call.
Refunds or Cancellations:
Ottawa First Aid does not accept refunds or cancellations of standard first aid courses within 72 hours of the course. Prior to 72 hours candidates can receive a full refund.