Ottawa First Aid proudly offers emergency first aid, CPR and AED courses. This is one of the most popular and basic first aid and CPR courses available. Candidates registered in this course will learn basic first aid and CPR techniques for adult and child victims. This course comes standard with CPR level “A” and automated external defibrillator (AED) training. Candidates can opt for a higher lever CPR “C” training with the course for a small additional charge (5.00 dollars). Candidates that successfully complete the course will receive a workplace approved emergency first aid, CPR and AED certificate that is valid for 3 years. This workplace approved course meets many workplace and academic standards for Ottawa and Canada and the certificate is nationally accredited. To check to see if you meet the prerequisites for a re-certification course select the re-cert course from one of the menu’s.
Course Content:
Candidates in workplace approved emergency first aid and CPR courses in Ottawa will learn the following:
St Mark James Emergency First Aid Courses in Ottawa, Ontario CPR for adults for adult and child victims. Candidates registered with CPR level “C” will receive CPR training for infant victims.
- Conscious and unconscious obstructed airway victims (choking).
- Respiratory emergencies including asthma, hyperventilation, aspiration and anaphylaxis.
- Circulatory emergencies (includes heart attacks, angina, transient ischemic attacks / TIA and strokes).
- Deadly bleeding.
- Broken bones and fractures.
- Head and neck injuries.
- Automated external defibrillator (AED) training.
Candidates that successfully complete the course will receive a workplace approved emergency first aid, CPR and AED certificate that is valid for 3 years. This certificate is nationally accredited and valid throughout Canada. Course and certification meets many workplace requirements.
Course Length:
The length of this basic first aid course is 8 to 10 hours.
Course Cost:
At Ottawa First Aid we strive to offer the lowest prices. Our emergency first aid, CPR and AED courses cost — dollars. Course fee includes workplace approved certification, first aid manual and taxes.
To register for a emergency first aid and CPR course in Ottawa candidates can choose the course from the selection below. Select the course by location, date and time. Fill out the registration form and prepay to guarantee yourself a spot in the course. Candidates have the option of paying by credit card or debit card via our secure registration system. If you would like to pay through another method please contact us at [email protected] or call.
CPR Options:
Candidates can opt for either CPR level “A” or CPR level “C” with the emergency first aid certification. An additional cost of 5 dollars is charged for candidates require CPR level “C” certification.
No Pressure:
At Ottawa First Aid we have a “no pressure” policy. If you do not complete the course the first time you can re-take the course at no extra cost.
We have comfortable and convenient locations for emergency first aid and CPR courses throughout Ottawa.
Private Training:
We offers private emergency first aid training to you or your business. To book or schedule a private course please email at [email protected] or call.
Refunds or Cancellations:
Ottawa First Aid does not accept refunds or cancellations within 72 hours of the course. Prior to 72 hours candidates can receive a full refund.