Dealing with ant bites on toddlers

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Ant bites might not be as common as mosquito or spider bites but still capable of triggering localized swelling, redness and even an allergic reaction in rare circumstances. It is vital to teach children to avoid an area if there is an ant pile nearby and clean any ant bites right away to prevent infection.

Always watch out for indications of an allergic reaction after sustaining an ant bite such as itchiness, hives, abdominal cramps and difficulty breathing. Remember that these require immediate medical attention.

Cleansing the ant bite

You have to cleanse the site of the ant bites right away using water warm and soap. All you have to do is to apply a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water to the area. Make sure that the wound is dry and dress it using an antibiotic treatment.

Ant bites typically heal within a few days but a doctor should be consulted right away if the bite site becomes infected or stays red and swollen for prolonged periods.

You have to clean the site of the bite site on a daily basis until it heals to avoid infection especially if the area was scratched. In case the area becomes infected, you have to repeat the cleaning process and add prescription-strength antibiotic cream.

Itch control

The child should be given an over-the-counter oral antihistamine to minimize the swelling and itchiness, but make sure that the package instructions are carefully followed and ask the doctor if there are any concerns regarding the use of calamine.

These medications might make toddlers sleepy or rev them up. You have to apply calamine lotions or an anti-itch cream over the site but avoid creams that contain antihistamines to prevent overdose. Cleanse and trim the nails of the child and cover the area with clothing to prevent scratching.

Pain and swelling

You can provide the toddler with ibuprofen to minimize the swelling and pain or simply apply an ice pack covered in towel or cloth. Many toddlers tend to resist the latter treatment. You can watch a favorite or sing songs with the toddler with applying the ice pack to distract the child.

Do not provide the toddler below 8 months with ibuprofen without consulting a doctor. Ibuprofen should not be given to a toddler if he/she is currently taking other medications unless directed by the doctor.

When to consult a doctor

Ant bites typically heal within a few days but a doctor should be consulted right away if the bite site becomes infected or stays red and swollen for prolonged periods. Take note that ant bites usually leave behind small, red-colored bite marks but fire ants might leave bites 1/ inch in diameter with cloudy fluid. In case the bite varies or appears purple with an irregular shaped blister with a red outline, a doctor should be consulted especially if the child starts to experience severe pain. The bite might be a spider bite rather than an ant bite.

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