Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection affecting the female reproductive organs. This condition is typically acquired via sexual activity. It can impair the ovaries, uterus, Fallopian tubes or other parts of the female reproductive system. The condition can cause intense pain and the likelihood of becoming pregnant is lowered.
What are the causes?
Generally, the cervix prevents bacteria that enter the vagina from spreading to the internal reproductive organs. In case the cervix is exposed to sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, the cervix becomes infected and less capable of preventing the spread of organisms to the internal organs.
Pelvic inflammatory disease develops once the organisms move from the cervix to the upper genital tract. Chlamydia and gonorrhea that are not treated are responsible for most cases of pelvic inflammatory disease.
The indications of pelvic inflammatory disease tend to vary but might include:
- Irregular periods
- Tenderness or dull pain in the stomach or lower abdominal area or stomach pain in the right upper region
- High fever or chills
- Erratic vaginal discharge that is yellowish or greenish in color with an unusual odor
- Spotting or cramping throughout the month
- Pain during sexual activity
- Nausea and vomiting
Management of pelvic inflammatory disease
If the individual has tests and exam findings indicative of pelvic inflammatory disease, the doctor will start treatment right away. The primary treatment generally includes one or several antibiotics taken orally.
In case treatment is not effective or the individual could not take antibiotics orally or the infection is severe, hospitalization is required so that medications are administered intravenously.
If diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease, the sexual partner should also undergo treatment. Otherwise, the condition will recur after sexual contact.