Trimalleolar fracture

Diabetes: How to deal with foot numbness

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Foot numbness might be an indication of diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage. Among those who have diabetes, the nerve endings are damaged which results to neuropathy. One form of diabetic neuropathy is peripheral neuropathy which affects the legs, feet and hands. Take note that neuropathy could not be cured, but proper treatment can prevent the condition from worsening.

Proper foot care for diabetes

The feet require special care among individuals who have diabetes. The condition not only damages the nerve endings, but also disrupts the ability of the body to fight infections. Foot numbness or diminished sensation in the feet can prevent awareness of any blisters or sores on the feet that can easily result to health complications such as serious infections, foot ulcers or even amputations.

Medical complications among individuals with foot numbness can be prevented by checking the feet on a daily basis for sores, wounds and blisters. The doctor can also check the feet during examinations. It is recommended to check the shoes worn for any rough edges and small objects before they are used. Once foot sores are present, it is best to seek medical care.

Foot numbness
Medical complications among individuals with foot numbness can be prevented by checking the feet on a daily basis for sores, wounds and blisters.

Medications and insulin

Neuropathy due to diabetes can improve with proper management of the blood glucose levels. Insulin or diabetes medications can control the blood glucose levels within the proper range. The types of insulin that can be used include regular insulin, rapid-acting insulin and long-acting. The doctor might prescribe various types of insulin during the day and night to control the blood sugar levels.

Oftentimes, pain can occur along with foot numbness due to neuropathy. The over-the-counter pain medications such as naproxen sodium and ibuprofen are used to relieve the pain. There are also prescription medications that are used to manage the pain.

Lifestyle modifications

It is vital to maintain a suitable weight and stick with a healthy lifestyle to help control the blood glucose levels to improve neuropathy due to diabetes. Among those who are overweight or obese, cutting down weight might be ideal to prevent worsening of the symptoms of neuropathy and diabetes.

A balanced diet with abundant vegetables, fruits and whole grains along with regular exercise, reduced alcohol intake and avoiding smoking are recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle. These are highly beneficial in managing diabetes and the accompanying foot numbness.

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